cactus, that represents dry skin

Dry skin during menopause is common. Estrogen plays a crucial role in regulating various functions throughout the body, including moisture retention in the skin. When estrogen levels decrease, as is common during menopause, the skin’s ability to retain moisture diminishes. Estrogen helps stimulate the production of hyaluronic acid and collagen, both of which are essential for maintaining skin hydration and elasticity. Therefore, a decline in estrogen levels can lead to a reduction in these substances, resulting in dry skin during menopause.

What Works for Dry Skin?

  1. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to hydrate from within.
  2. Use a gentle, hydrating cleanser to avoid stripping the skin of its natural oils. Some people successfully use olive oil, Castor oil, Natural Organic Coconut oil and Grape seeds oil
  3. Apply moisturizer immediately after bathing to lock in moisture. Josie Maran products
  4. Choose moisturizers containing ingredients like hyaluronic acid or glycerin for added hydration. Elf holy Hydration Skincare products are recommended. Surkoyaka Suhada moisturizing lotion is a Japanese lotion (more like a water) that will make your skin softer.
  5. It’s advisable to avoid indulging in hot showers or baths, as the heat from hot water can exacerbate skin dryness, stripping away natural oils and moisture.
  6. Use aHumidifier in your home to increase moisture levels in the air.
  7. Protect your skin from harsh weather conditions by wearing appropriate clothing and using sunscreen. CeraVe facial moisturizing lotion with sun protection
  8. Add collagen to your daily routine. There is a lot of Collagen choices on Amazon and even Costco had good collagen.
  9. Incorporate omega-3 fatty acids into your diet, found in foods like salmon, Flax seeds, and walnuts, to support skin health. You can also incorporate a supplement in your diet Fish Oil Omega 3 supplements.
  10. Consider using a weekly Collagen hydrating face mask or overnight moisturizing treatment for added nourishment. I like Burts natural cream for sensitive skins.

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